
June 25, 2018

Can I avoid tax by reinvesting mutual fund dividends?

Funds will generally give you the opportunity to automatically reinvest in the fund. This does not prevent you from paying tax on your assets, but this […]
June 25, 2018

How are mutual funds taxed?

All mutual funds distributions should be reported as income, whether you reinvest or not. Taxable distributions come in two forms, ordinary dividends and capital gains. The […]
June 25, 2018

What are the different issuing organizations?

Municipal bonds are offered by local governments, states and cities. The interest of these bonds is not subject to federal income tax, and if the bondholder […]
June 25, 2018

Should I buy bond funds directly or go through a mutual fund?

A bond mutual fund has within it multiple bonds, and for that reason it is impossible to lock in the payment rate or the principal, which […]