
June 25, 2018

What is a health maintenance organization (HMO)?

Health care that is provided through a network of hospitals and doctors is a health maintenance organization (HMO). The benefits usually include preventative care, such as […]
June 25, 2018

What is a preferred provider organization (PPO)?

A network of doctors and/or hospitals that has contracts with a particular health insurer or employer that will give health care to employees at lower than […]
June 25, 2018

Are there different types of medical plans for employees?

There are two options: a fee-for-service plan, or a pre-paid plan (commonly referred to as a Health Maintenance Organization, or HMO). An indemnity plan or insurance […]
June 25, 2018

Do I need to know anything specific about employee benefits as a small employer?

The employer must pay for certain legal benefits and insurance coverage such as Social Security, unemployment insurance and worker’s compensation. The money for the Social Security […]