
June 25, 2018

What are the different types of bank accounts I can choose from?

Checking accounts provide you with quick, convenient access to your funds. You are able to make deposits as often as you wish, and most banks provide […]
June 25, 2018

Which banking fees should I watch for with a new bank account?

Keep in mind that banks are always required to notify you of the fees for their accounts. The best account to choose is usually the one […]
June 25, 2018

What will the loan cost?

Before you are charged any fees, the Truth in Lending Act requires that the lenders disclose to you all pertinent terms of the agreement: the APR, […]
June 25, 2018

Is it better to get a home equity line of credit or a traditional second mortgage?

With a second mortgage you will have a fixed amount of money that is repayable over a fixed period of time or is due in full […]